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Understand How Keywords Can Provide The Best Ranking To Your Publications [2023]

In the news item “Paid Ads” we realize that keywords are an element of paid SEO, but also organic: On-Page SEO, very important and indispensable for the company. With these you can communicate properly with your target audience, not only to find them, but also to provide the best content to them, and as assertive as possible. Keywords are the main tool of a search, usually the target audience searches for short or long words to find out more about the desired subjects. For SEO professionals or companies that have websites/blogs, keywords are the message they deliver to Google or another search engine, in order to deliver specific content about themselves, so that Google can display exactly, the best of your company to the user who searched for a certain keyword.

• Head Tail and Long Tail Keywords

• Why Keywords Are Important

• How do I define the best Keyword

• Keywords in On-page SEO

• Keywords in Paid Advertisement

• Negative keyword: what is it?

• Conclusion

Head Tail And Long Tail Keywords

Long tail words are long, with more specific/detailed terms, use a higher volume of words. They are words that bring more qualified traffic, with less competition and lower investment. For example, if the user searched for “SEO WordPress Technician”, he is doing a specific search on a particular subject, not just looking for SEO, his search is deeper, so from the point of view of an SEO professional, when he wants to reach a target audience, without investing so much in a particular ad, he can segment this way, and then diversify to several other subjects/topics. Head tail words, on the other hand, are shorter and not so specific, more general terms about a certain subject, for example, “SEO”. If the SEO professional does not yet understand what his target audience is specifically searching for, he can start with head tail words, in order to be found in that area only, but which do not solve the user’s specific problem.

Why Keywords Are Important

Keywords are the main agent for good communication. It is from them that the user finds the text/article/publication/news that will answer his questions, on any subject. They are the ones that, when perfectly fitted, open the doors of your site/blog/article to the Internet world. For your business, it means the difference between being found, read and shared or, on the contrary, not being accessed.

Let’s think about a conversion funnel with defined steps about the target audience. There are different types of audiences with different types of questions. Those who have started the journey to a certain purchase or knowledge still want to know about basic items, concerning the topic your product/service is about. Those in the middle of the funnel probably do research among several brands to decide which benefits one has over the other. Or those who are already at the bottom of the funnel, decided to buy the product or service, need the security of the decision by choosing a certain company to close the deal. And each of these user groups has its own certain keywords, which they choose to type into the search engines.

So your company needs to recognize them to make the best use of them when producing each material. Keywords are the first contact between brand and audience, and will probably decide whether that visitor will stay on the site or head to the search engines in search of something better.

How Do I Define The Best Keyword

From a good keyword research it is possible to create content strategies to improve the organic positioning of the site and follow its ranking in Google. For older sites, with good traffic/authority and well structured, with internal and external links, it is impossible to compete for all business related keywords organically, and for small sites it is even more difficult. Therefore, it is important to choose which search terms you want your site to be associated with. To do this you need to define strategies to achieve this goal. There are several ways to conduct keyword research, you can use different tools, and depending on them there may be more resources instilled:

  •  Google Keyword Planner: Google’s keyword tool, focused on ads. From it, you can create a diagnosis of campaigns.

  •  SEMRush: shows the monthly search volume, cost per click, content suggestions, competitor analysis, and much more.

  •  Ahrefs: the advantage of this tool is that you do not need to create an account on the system to use it, you just need to search for the word you are interested in and analyze the results.

  •  Keyword Discovery: the platform gives access to words that derive from search engines, brings the terms that generate traffic to your company’s competitors.

  • Google Trends: a Google platform that shows the most popular terms recently searched. You can view in graphs and demographics, the search frequency of the most diverse subjects.

  •  SpyFu: in addition to having everything related to the keyword you searched for (volume, difficulty, etc.), you can also see what your competitors are doing, with respect to paid and organic search.

Depending on the business, there are several ways to get to the right keyword, the first is according to the theme where it is inserted (Head Tail), you already realize which keywords are in the industry, but should be aware of other variables, for example, the volume, ie, are the monthly searches for a particular word on Google, with this knowledge can effectively ensure that certain word have much demand for users, and thus seize the opportunity. Another variable is the difficulty of the word, if they are already used by sites with enough authority, you will hardly reach a level at the top of Google and recognition with them. Usually “difficulty” is confused with “competition”, competition represents that, many companies buy a certain word, but this word may not have ranking difficulty.

You have to check what words are being chosen by users, what they are looking for! And not what the company wants the user to search for. Do the research from the customer’s perspective, get to know your persona, your intentions/problems, and solve them. Once the keyword is chosen, it’s time to monitor its evolution, see if the site or page got more traffic and was placed in a better position in Google.

After defining the chosen keyword(s), we start placing them throughout the site, as an SEO technique. Keywords must be used strategically, thought out and defined within an effective planning of your strategy:

  • Meta Descriptions: is the description that appears to Google, it should be done in a direct way, but still stimulating for people to visit the site. The keyword must always be included within this description.

  • URL: besides having to create URL’s that are friendly, the best way to use links is to include the keyword in this area.

  • SEO Title: this will be displayed when your content appears in Google searches, as well as in social media shares. It is also essential that the keyword is present.

  • Title Tag: Keywords also need to be used in the internal titles (H1) of your articles or pages.

  • Content: Use keywords in blog posts or news articles, throughout the article, and whenever possible in intertitles, as well as in image descriptions.

  • Footer: Also important in this field, the footer connects to all the pages of your site and, by doing so, boosts your site to the search pages with the right word associated with it.

When it comes to paid advertising the keywords carry a lot of weight, because it pays for the ads based on the keyword chosen. The price of the word varies depending on the volume of the search for the term, the interests of the people and the competing companies that need/want that word to advertise. You can pay for keywords by click, the cost per click (CPC), impression, the cost per thousand impressions (CPM) or conversion, the cost per acquisition (CPA). The value shown for each keyword represents the maximum price that can be paid for that ad, i.e., if the ad is clicked a lot of times, causing the total value to reach the budget set for the day, the ad will no longer be displayed until the next day, when the budget is reset.

It is therefore important to look for terms that have low competition and low estimated values, so that the ad can be displayed multiple times to those people who do the corresponding searches, regardless of the budget set. It is also important to make groups of ads with several variations of different keywords, to cover the searches of the persona, and you can use a larger budget to be successful.

On social networks the content is published as attachments, images and captions, the only way to do keyword indexing is through hashtags. They are considered hyperlinks that gather all the posts with such a hashtag in one search. You have to use hashtags that are relevant to your business, it is important to choose words and expressions that are valuable to those who will search for such content. Create and strengthen institutional hashtags, which talk about the company’s customs and values. In this way, you can create a community around the use of that hashtag, encouraging its use by your audience and creating a relationship with the people who decide to embrace your cause.

One of the key aspects for a highly targeted campaign is to choose what should not be targeted, this choice can be made in paid ads, namely Google Ads. By placing one or more negative keywords, you prevent your ad from being triggered by a certain word or expression, so ads with that word are not shown to those who search for it in the search bar.

This is important because, for example, you have an ad for “on-page SEO”, and you only want to target that audience instead of people who want to know about off-page SEO, you can put the negative keyword “off-page”. But beware, if you exclude the “off-page” keyword, the ads will not be eligible for publication when a user searches for “off-page SEO”, but may be readable if a user searches for “off-pages SEO”.

There are several types of negative keyword usage, practical example:

Negative broad match keyword: SEO in WordPress:

Negative Expression Matching Keyword: SEO in WordPress:

Negative exact match keyword: SEO in WordPress:

As for display network or video campaigns, negative keywords can help avoid targeting unrelated sites or videos. However, they work differently, depending on the other keywords in your ad group, some display ad locations may occasionally contain the excluded terms. A maximum of 1000 negative keywords are considered at the account level for display and video ads.



Keywords are important at every level of your business, whether on the website with SEO techniques instilled or in paid ads. You must not neglect this technique in order to be visible to your target audience and reach the top of Google faster.

Today, many companies need immediate results, but the truth is that they cannot afford to implement SEO internally while leveraging with the priority of their business focus. If you still can’t handle these steps or don’t have the time to put them in place, Bringlink SEO ensures you get the brand visibility and growth you deserve.

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