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Search Engine Optimization: On-Page & Off-Page

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, the optimization of pages for search engines – Google, Yahoo, Bing, and others. It is a set of techniques used to make websites stand out. These techniques and strategies are built in 3 steps:

  • On-page SEO (on the site itself);

  • Off-page SEO (outside the site, such as external links);

  • Technical SEO (on the internal structure of the site).

SEO can be done for websites, blogs, institutional sites, landing pages, etc. All web pages can and should have SEO instilled them. SEO techniques can be divided into technology, content, structure, loading speed, page authority and whether the page is user friendly.

The goal of SEO is to improve the positioning of a site’s pages and generate digital authority and organic traffic, that is, to get users to find your site’s pages without having to place paid digital ads.

Every time a page is published on the Internet, search engines (one of the most important these days – Googleboot) try to index it, and the indexed pages are then delivered as search results to those who have done a search for the corresponding keyword. The more a subject effectively matches the keyword placed in the search engine, more googleboot will consider that page as authoritative, always aiming to implement other SEO techniques on the respective indexed page, such as backlinks, attractive video and image content, easy and fast loading, among other factors.

The better the position of the page in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) search results, more visitors come from search engines and thus the more likely it is to get more conversions. Nowadays there are thousands of pages being published daily on the internet, and this is exactly what makes the competition to appear in the first positions of a search so great. That is where the work of an SEO comes in.

• What are Google's updates?

• What is Search Engine Optimization On-Page?

• What is Search Engine Optimization Off-Page?

• How to do Off-Page SEO?

• Use guest posts and co-marketing

• Apply redirection to broken links

• Reject dubious backlinks

• Conclusion

What Are Google's Updates?

What Is Searche Engine Optimization On-Page?

Google regularly updates its algorithm and there are currently over 200 ranking factors, a fact that stems from the increase in pages on the internet. Over time Google has improved its ability to understand user intent as well as people’s overall experience when accessing a page.

The combination of Google’s understanding and the ranking factors is what determines the positioning on the SERP pages. This is why it is important to learn SEO and keep up to date with best practices. On-Page SEO constitutes a set of parameters evaluated by Google, which can be checked within a site, on each page of it.

On-Page SEO has the following elements as optimization metrics:

– Content:

  • make mention of the latest product or service in your company;

  • use short, detailed texts that guide readers from point A to point Z;

  • publish success stories and testimonials;

  • show your audience that you care about their opinion. You can solicit their opinion through a survey form;

  • use lists, given their concise and direct presentation of relevant information;

  • provide guest blog posts;

  • make use of video and image content;

  • publish case studies and research.

– Title & Meta Description

– Heading Tags: are used to separate the headings and subheadings of a page. They are sorted in order of importance, from H1 to H6. Generally the H1s make up the headings. This structure is important to Google.

– Images/Videos

– Links (URLs)

– HTML: Is a markup language = code used to construct web pages. HTML documents can be interpreted by search engines.

– Rich Snippets: These are search results (usually on the Google page) with additional data in the listing beyond the Title & Meta Description – it can be comments, specific answers, images, local results and more.

– User Experience (UX):

  • Useful,

  • Desirable,

  • Accessible,

  • Usable,

  • Valuable,

  • Localizable,

  • Credible.

Google evaluates these factors to understand what the website pages describe and thus can index them correctly. In addition, they help the search engine understand whether the page offers a good user experience.

On-Page SEO for wordpress can be done through some plugins, such as “Yoast SEO” or “Rank Math.” These plugins help to place and identify the On-Page parameters. “Se Ranking” is another tool that helps to check other important On-Page content that may be missing from the site.

Why Is On-Page SEO Important?

On-Page SEO is all about prioritizing the user experience on your website or webpage. For this reason, it is essential to take a deep look into the subject. Many companies in various industries use their websites as a communication tool and a gateway to customers, so optimizing On-Page SEO makes the brand achieve greater visibility and growth in their market. A customer that does not stay on the site is a lost customer.

What Is Off-Page SEO Searche Engine Optimization?

Off-Page SEO is a set of strategies developed outside the website or digital page and aims to generate backlinks in return. This type of SEO refers to SEO tactics that do not directly involve updating or publishing content on the site itself. These strategies help increase the authority, trust and relevance of the domain. If the page receives many visitors from direct searches for the brand name and gains many backlinks or mentions from other sites, the more authority Google will attribute to that domain in the digital marketplace.

Off-Page SEO tactics include:

– Brand Building;

– Brand Mention;

– Content Marketing;

– Social Media;

Link Building (Quantity/ Diversity/ Context of Backlinks);

– Direct Searches.

How To Do Off-Page SEO?

Off-Page SEO is currently one of the most critical steps in the search engine optimization process, since Google is increasingly looking for external signs of relevance to confirm the ranking made by its algorithm.

In practice, the ranking factors of Off-Page SEO are:

– Popularity (the more links a page receives,  more relevant it is to the search engine);

– Context (for Google a network of links within the same theme makes much more sense);

– Anchor-text (text within the site with a link that redirects the user to another page within the same site. It must be related to the destination page and make sense to the reader);

– Trustworthiness (ranking based on trust);

– Mentions.

Use Guest Posts And Co-Marketing

Guest posts are guest articles from other sites and offer the possibility to publish content on blogs other than your own. Usually, experts in certain niches and authorities on the subject matter are invited to write guest posts. The advantages leveraged by using guest posts include:

– Reaching a new audience;

– Getting good links;

– Positioning yourself as an authority.

Co-Marketing is a marketing shared by two companies that have the same target audience and want to create together what they cannot do alone. One way to apply this concept is to choose a partner with a relevant audience, who understands your market and provides a complementary offer to your company’s products or services, but who is not a direct competitor.

Apply Redirection To Broken Links

404 error are pages that have no content, which may have been deleted or moved. Considering this scenario, it is prudent for an SEO technician to detect this error and correct it, and to do so you can simply apply “301 Redirect” to the link of this page.

The 301 redirect is a code inserted in the link of the 404 error page and that communicates with this same link to redirect the user to the page chosen by the SEO. This means that it redirects the error page to another page chosen by the technician. In essence, the SEO takes over a link that gives an error to forward it to another page on your site.

Reject Dubious Backlinks

It is common to receive unwanted links on one’s own site, an occurrence known as spam. An SEO must be aware of this situation and analyze the links in which this situation can occur, so he can eliminate them, otherwise the site will be linked to Google as unreliable.

The way to deal with these links is to go to Google Search Console:, and deny these links.

However, before automatically eliminating unwanted links, it is important to understand if the links to be eliminated are the correct ones, and to make a second check, otherwise the site could be compromised.

5 Off-Page SEO Tools You Can Use



There are so much more to explore in the world of SEO: Local SEO, Keywords, SEO Audits, Budget Tracking, Migrations, AMP, CDN’s, among other SEO techniques. All the elements described are a combination of SEO that will get Google to recognize your site, but there are many more methods and combinations. Learn about other technical SEO strategies here.

Today, many companies need immediate results, but the truth is that they cannot afford to implement SEO internally while leveraging with the priority of their business focus. If you still can’t handle these steps or don’t have the time to put them in place, Bringlink SEO ensures you get the brand visibility and growth you deserve.

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