BringLink SEO

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Practical SEO: How To Audit Your Website And Which Tools To Use, Step By Step [2023]

It takes a lot of effort for an SEO professional to do a thorough and regular audit of websites to see if they are optimized and use best practices. To successfully complete a site audit, good SEO professionals should know a little about programming, as some technical issues require this knowledge. A website does not need to be underperforming to undergo an audit, although that is one of the main reasons for doing so, there are numerous other reasons.

On-Page, Off-Page And Technical Audit Steps

In order to understand whether the site has problems or errors, points for improvement and ideas for new content, it is necessary to carry out an audit.:

1. Check if you have a Google my Business;

2. Check that the website is being crawled, indexed and rendered correctly;

3. Check for on-page SEO issues;

4. Check website speed and loading time;

5. Check if the website offers a good user experience on mobile and desktop;

6. Check the keywords contained in the website;

7. Check if they have duplicate or low quality content;

8. Check for manual actions (Google penalties on the website);

9. Examine off-page SEO, i.e. check all backlinks and remove bad ones;

10. Check that all forms and popups are routing correctly;

11. Analyze website traffic and content;

12. Analyze the competition;

13. Create and update reports to track website performance.

Tools For Each Audit Stage

1. You should check that the website or company has Google My Business, and that it contains all the correct information:

2. We will be able to check that the site is being crawled, indexed and rendered correctly in Google Search Console, you just need to submit the domain:

3. Check on-page SEO issues: Title and Meta Descriptions, Title Hierarchy (H1,H2,H3), Alt Text in images, Focus Keyword, Menus, content of articles and pages, sitemaps, schema, etc. You can check this theme with the plugin “Rank Math” or “Yaost” if you are on WordPress:

4. You can check your site speed and loading time with PageSpeed Insights: try to figure out if your site is slow due to server response time or oversized Javascript, DOM and CSS:

5. You can check if the site is optimized for mobile at this test link:

6. To check the keywords on the site, you must first understand which keywords you want to rank for, you can do this through Google ADS, SemRush, Ubersuggest. Then you will have to see if all the pages and posts related to that domain contain or mirror the theme, and if the chosen keywords are placed at least in the first paragraphs of each content, and in the Title and Meta Description, Alt Text, Focus Keyword, etc.

7. To check if they have duplicate or low quality content you can do the test on this link:

8. In the manual actions check, you can see the penalties for your site in Google Search Console:

9. Examining the off-page SEO is to check all the backlinks of the website and remove the bad ones, you can go to Dead link checker to check all the links that are corrupted, and second link to disavow all the ones that you don’t want to be linking to your website: |

10. Always validate that all forms and popups on the website open, are secured with Captcha (or other method), send the submitted messages and that they are received in the respective email:

11. Use Google Analytics to analyze website traffic or subscribe to SEO software such as Sitechecker, SE Ranking, SemRush or Ahrefs:

12. You can use SEO software such as Sitechecker, SE Ranking, SemRush or Ahrefs to analyze your competitors:

13. You will also be able to create and update reports with the tools/software “Sitechecker”, “SE Ranking”, “SemRush” or “Ahrefs”:


Auditing websites is very important, not only when they have problems, but also to get information that will give you the possibility to grow in search engine rankings. First you will have to solve the problems concerning the website, but once these are concluded, the focus will be on the opportunities you may have, namely, to get insights from the target audience/customers, to know if they like more such content, product or service, instead of what was already being done at that moment. Audits provide many important insights for companies’ businesses.

Today, many companies need immediate results, but the truth is that they cannot afford to implement SEO internally while leveraging with the priority of their business focus. If you still can’t handle these steps or don’t have the time to put them in place, Bringlink SEO ensures you get the brand visibility and growth you deserve.

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