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How to Create a Successful Landing Page [2024]

Landing pages are extremely important for digital marketing! They have 2 purposes: to generate sales for certain products or services, and to generate leads or bring traffic/conversions to the domain or a page of the desired website. Some Landing Pages can also be used to inform customers about the detailed features of products/services. These Landing Pages are a little longer, and are aimed at a Lead who is already at another level of the sales funnel.

A Landing Page is a static web page that focuses on acquiring leads through a specific action. It can be a single page with a call to action that takes the user directly to your website or a specific sales page, or it can have a form where the qualified lead's data is collected. Landing pages can be fully integrated into your website/domain, or they can be created using separate software, such as clickfunnels.

Having a Landing Page is beneficial because it serves to capture leads for your business, whatever it may be, and even to inform the user about your route, your company, your brand, your branding, your visions/missions, which brings customer loyalty. Landing pages increase lead conversion by 2.35%, according to Hostinger.

How to Create a Landing Page That Converts

First you need to study/analyze the target audience of a particular company/business. Who the consumer of a particular service/product is! For a Landing Page to be convertible into real sales, you have to know your customer and see where they might be, what they're searching for, what they're looking for....

Then you have to define the objective of the campaign: do I want to sell a certain product/service? Do I want to get more leads/traffic to my site? Do I want to inform my customers about changes or new features in my products?! Do I want my customers to subscribe to a monthly plan or download my app?! Etc, etc.

The Landing Page must focus on the optimization required to achieve the maximum conversion rate target. Regardless of the circumstances, the user can only take two paths on Landing Pages: close the window or convert:

- As soon as the user enters the Landing Page, the first thing they will see is the first fold. There should be a strong, eye-catching title, as well as a CTA (call-to-action) or a form. The lead needs to immediately understand the purpose of the page and what it wants them to do;

- Use short, powerful and very specific phrases. The message must be clear and concise. You can add a simple slogan that will stick in the ear;

- Have a CTA button or form in vibrant colors, visible, clear and highlighted at the top of the page. It is a key element that guides visitors to the next step in the strategy;

- The CTA should include text that encourages the user to take action, being short, small but sufficiently visible;

- Use vibrant colors in contrast to the colors of the Landing Page;

- Use images or certain elements on the page as context, so that they help with the eye-catching layout or highlight the CTA/form;

- Avoid using links scattered throughout the informative content;

- Don't have any menus on the Landing Page, as this would only take your lead to areas of your site, or other pages that probably have nothing to do with your Landing Page's capture proposal;

- Use videos if possible, as they are great allies in your marketing strategy. They should be used to complement quality information about what you are offering;

- Make sure that the Landing Page is objective and to the point, with the information organized and the conversion always above the fold, so that the user doesn't have to scroll to find the content they are looking for;

- The content should be simple, direct and relevant; having little content is a plus;

- Whenever possible, place your Landing Page on your own domain/website or on a secure HTTPS connection. This will give users and Google greater confidence, and there will be a direct correlation with your personal or company brand;

- To add value to the page, you can add social proof, i.e. the number of customers who have already bought your product, testimonials, prints of the effectiveness of the service, customer videos, photos, etc;

- It's essential to think about mobile for Landing Pages. Around 60% of ordinary users already access the internet more via mobile devices than via desktop;

- Check the marketing automation implemented on Landing Pages. Automating communication processes in a digital environment is synonymous with greater conversion and this translates into greater profitability. You can convert more leads if you automate the sending of emails to users who have filled in your forms, or you can send emails with payment details if the lead is buying a product on the landing page. You can also trigger SMS marketing with other contexts, for example, promotions for a certain product, opening a chatbot on your website, a whole series of strategies that come from automation.


Tools for creating Landing Pages

Landing Pages should first be created on the client's domain/website, to give it authority, but they can also be created in software designed for them, and which already contains email marketing services and other integrations, as this will facilitate the analysis of capturing qualified leads. BringlinkSEO customizes Landing Pages according to its clients, delivering Landing Pages with unique and exclusive layouts to a given client, so that they have more opportunity to receive qualified Leads for their business.

Here is a list of some software for creating Landing Pages:

Landing page conversion analysis

Google Analytics is the ideal tool for tracking and analyzing your Landing Page metrics. If you have more than one version of your Landing Page, you can make comparisons as to which one performs best. This process is called A/B testing, and you can use a specific tool to check these results. These tools are integrated into Google Analytics via scripts, and allow you to make multiple versions of the same web page: VWO (, Optimizely ( and Abtasty ( They are quick and practical to set up and can be put online with a few simple clicks. Another way to check conversions is to direct leads to fill in specific email fields such as their name, telephone number and email address, so that you have direct contact with users interested in your products/services.




A landing page is a simple page on a website or piece of software whose purpose is to convert visitors through actions desired by the creator, to make a purchase or send the qualified lead relevant information. As long as Landing Pages have a defined objective, promotional phrases with great value and a CTA button that encourages the reader to take some action, they will be beneficial and crucial for any business, whether digital or not.


Nowadays, many companies need immediate results, but the truth is that they can't afford to implement SEO internally while leveraging the priority focus of their business. If you still can't manage these steps or don't have the time to put them into practice, Bringlink SEO will make sure you get the visibility and brand growth you deserve.

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